Dzień Kobiet

Standing decoration I LOVE YOU metal black

Standing decoration I LOVE YOU metal black

The I LOVE YOU Valentine's Day gift is impressive. It is spatial, looks light, but at the same time it contains what is most impor...
Standing decoration I LOVE YOU metal red

Standing decoration I LOVE YOU metal red

Valentine's Day is undoubtedly the best opportunity to spend some time together. A romantic dinner, a movie and a symbolic gift ar...
Ozdoba stojąca I LOVE YOU metalowa złota

Ozdoba stojąca I LOVE YOU metalowa złota

Nasz wyjątkowy prezent walentynkowy I LOVE YOU pozwoli na uświetnienie Dnia Zakochanych. Ta ozdoba stojąca, to nie tylko miły poda...
Standing decoration I LOVE YOU HEART made of black metal

Standing decoration I LOVE YOU HEART made of black metal

The I LOVE YOU HEART standing decoration is an original Valentine's Day gift. It will be a great way to express our feelings and a...
Standing decoration I LOVE YOU HEART made of red metal

Standing decoration I LOVE YOU HEART made of red metal

Valentine's Day decoration I LOVE YOU HEART is a small trinket with which you can express your feelings for another person. This d...
Standing decoration I LOVE YOU HEART made of metal red

Standing decoration I LOVE YOU HEART made of metal red

The I LOVE YOU HEART decoration perfectly expresses the feelings of the person giving this gift. It is extremely charming: the com...
Wall decoration LOVE GEOMETRIC metal black

Wall decoration LOVE GEOMETRIC metal black

A few simple, expressive, intersecting lines create probably the most beautiful word in the world. It is a modern take on both Val...
Wall decoration GEOMETRIC HEART metal black

Wall decoration GEOMETRIC HEART metal black

The GEOMETRIC HEART wall decoration is made of asymmetrically connecting lines. They look expressive, modern and avant-garde. This...
Decoration standing to bend ROSE silver inox

Decoration standing to bend ROSE silver inox

The ROSE standing decoration is an unusual look at this well-known and popular flower. It will appeal to lovers of unique trinkets...
Standing flower ornament made of metal, white

Standing flower ornament made of metal, white

Flowers have always been associated with Women's Day. They are one of the most popular gifts given on this day. Many women like th...
Standing flower ornament pansy metal gold

Standing flower ornament pansy metal gold

March 8 is a special date on the calendar. It evokes pleasant associations and is an occasion to celebrate for all women. It's wor...
Metal poppy flower standing decoration white

Metal poppy flower standing decoration white

The MAK standing decoration evokes thoughts of spring, introduces a positive mood to every room and brings joyful associations. It...
Metal golden poppy flower standing decoration

Metal golden poppy flower standing decoration

Celebrating Women's Day is a nice custom that still enjoys great popularity and sympathy. This is the perfect time to show the lad...
Standing decoration flower SUNFLOWER white metal

Standing decoration flower SUNFLOWER white metal

The SUNFLOWER standing decoration is a large dose of positive energy. It is inseparably associated with warm, pleasant days. It lo...
Standing SUNFLOWER flower ornament made of gold metal

Standing SUNFLOWER flower ornament made of gold metal

Almost everyone associates the sunflower with happiness, warmth, joy and fun. Its symbolism may result from associations with the ...
Standing flower decoration daisy made of metal, white

Standing flower decoration daisy made of metal, white

Daisy is the queen of meadows. With its white petals, it can cheer up every green corner. She is adorable and delicate. It is wort...
Standing decoration of a flower daisy made of gold metal

Standing decoration of a flower daisy made of gold metal

Celebrating Women's Day is associated primarily with giving flowers. Roses and tulips are the most popular, but this delicate dais...
TULIP flower standing decoration made of metal, white

TULIP flower standing decoration made of metal, white

Women's Day is a wonderful holiday. It is then worth expressing your feelings and giving something nice to your wife, mother or si...
Standing decoration flower TULIP made of gold metal

Standing decoration flower TULIP made of gold metal

The tulip is a flower that is traditionally given on Women's Day. No wonder, it's beautiful, it looks very nice solo, but it also ...
Wall decoration LOVE GEOMETRIC metal gold

Wall decoration LOVE GEOMETRIC metal gold

Looking at the LOVE GEOMETRIC wall decoration, it's hard to believe that it is made of steel. It looks subtle, delicate and light....
Wall decoration GEOMETRIC HEART metal gold

Wall decoration GEOMETRIC HEART metal gold

The GEOMETRIC HEART wall decoration is unique because of its color. The golden color will add charm to many rooms and create a uni...

Dzień Kobiet

8 marca jest dniem, który lubi wiele pań. To idealna okazja by celebrować wszystkie przejawy kobiecości. W ofercie naszego sklepu znajduje się wiele rodzajów kwiatów. Każdy z nich wykonany został ze stali, dzięki czemu są trwałe, ale nowoczesne technologie obróbki nadały im lekkości. To idealny prezent dla żony, narzeczonej, mamy, siostry, czy babci. Ten drobny upominek zostanie doceniony przez każdą miłośniczkę dodatków do domu. Będzie się pięknie prezentować na parapecie albo na komodzie. Największą zasługą naszych kwiatków jest to, że nigdy nie więdną ;) i będą miłą pamiątką przez długi czas.

W ofercie dostępne są również figurki w kształcie serduszek z wyrazami miłości. Delikatne, gotowe do postawienia, z pewnością zaskoczą bliską nam kobietę i wywołają uśmiech na jej twarzy. Subtelne wzory i piękne kolory dają szerokie morze wyboru. Te wyjątkowe prezenty docenią panie uwielbiające dekorowanie wnętrz. Dla tych kobiet, które uwielbiają ozdoby ścienne polecamy geometryczne SERCE lub awangardowy napis LOVE.